Money is said to be an important part of our life. To have a fine lifestyle, people need money to survive and work hard to earn it. When someone wants to start a business or studies then the first thing they need to start is money, keeping aside the experience. Money, being a crucial part of our lives needs to be handled very efficiently and in an intelligent way. A person can lose all or some of its money by a lot of means if they are not careful about it. Survival without money in this competitive world is very difficult.
Money managing skills are not everyone’s cup of tea but it is not as difficult as it looks. Some people manage money very efficiently and some are not so sharp with money. But here we are talking about the losses. Money problems have various reasons like:
These are just a few to name but if the above-mentioned problems are not present and you are still facing money problems then there might be a horoscope dosha or yoga which is causing all this.
Three planets are responsible for money problems and these are Mars, Rahu and Saturn. The improper placements of these planets in the horoscope chart are the real reasons for money problems. The remedies that are given by Pandit Tulsidas are:
Money is an important aspect of life and this is well understood by every person yet some people chose to misuse money in every possible way. Pandit Tulsidas understands this problem and seeing this he is available at all times and all throughout the year. He can be contacted for an appointment by calling on the phone number given on the website. If by any chance, you are not able to connect with him then don’t worry, leave a message on WhatsApp and he will revert back to you. You can also mail him for the appointment on his email.